Saturday, July 4, 2015

English Speaking skill - B1

 Experience English in action 

                                       Spoken English - An introduction 

   SPOKEN ENGLISH ?                                              
 Is there any book on swimming strokes or driving skill ? One has to author  as many spoken English  books as there are learners, because no two individuals speak, listen or understand in the same way. Contexts and word combinations, popular in a region may be a taboo in another region. One should be fully aware of the culture of  the region before uttering a particular word combination. There is an amusing anecdote for all. Some time  back a popular brand  of  a soft drink (company) in a very popular country repeatedly  released its slogan in mass media,  taste the thunder , which means passing out gas  (Flatulence),  The brand was very popular.
 There are many sites  available on  this subject, all  justify their existence,  then what makes this site a unique one?
Language learning is a complex process, it is a tool  of communication , it is different from the subject (Science, Economics etc.) learning.  We do not recommend grammar approach, this will make the speech mechanical and robot like. Spoken sentences cannot be gauged with grammar  rules,   for   spoken  sentences  accompany emotions  expressions  signals (body language) etc,  some times silence too  conveys some meaning.  Our approach is purely based on functional   or   practical   grammar/structures,  we   call  it  utility grammar.  This approach is a usage based,  we   provide   the   basic   structure  which  would help the learners to generate their own sentences   (we are not for memorization  of dialogues, idioms, phrases etc.  of a particular situation). We use plain language to avoid confusion.
No two individuals can speak in same way (Though they might have been  taught in the same way). The delivery of sentences depends on  individual’s personality, emotions, experiences etc.  Once the learner is familiar with the basic grammar/structure, he/she  can switch over to idiomatic English or his/her own style, at later stage. Please do remember the ads and news headlines seldom follow grammar rules.  Our simple methodology will make you  speak English on you own right now.

Surely the words in this written work are mute spectators,but  they guide and direct you like a sign board on the carriage way/highway. We show you the direction, it is up to you to reach the   destination,  please   do  remember  speed   is  important  on the carriage way/highway  (neither too slow  nor too fast). This methodology will make you master of yourself. The best learning is learning by self. Look at the dash board,you are on the carriage way/high way of your career, best wishes.

FIVE IMPORTANT TYPES OF SPOKEN SENTENCES (There are many, but I  stress the following five)
1.This is a machine (Simple sentence/statement)
  2.This is not (= isn't) a machine (Negative sentence)
 3.Is this a machine? (‘Yes/No’ Question)  
4.Is this not a machine?/Isn’t this a machine?(‘yes/no’Negative question)
    ('Yes/no' question requires just 'yes/no' answer.)
5.What is this? (‘Wh’ question)
('Wh' question starts with question words like: which, what where how etc., this question requires full answer.)
 6.Why is this not a machine?/.Why isn’t this a machine? (‘wh’-negative question)
The above five types of spoken sentences can be spoken in eight or more ways of utterance, (by changing stress tone body language etc.) Culture also plays an important role in sentence formation/style, slightest change in voice modulation/ facial expression/ body language conveys  different meanings of  the same sentence. Punching words can be made soft and soft words can be made punching  using the above technique.

Eight or more ways of uttering each of the above five types of sentences.
1. This is a machine. statement/declaration/information/truth/message.
2.This is a machine?(stress on ‘machine’)  Declarative question.
3.This is a machine! ( When it doesn’t appear as machine, but something else) Exclamatory sentence.
4.This is a machine  ? (When you are not satisfied with the machine)  Angry statement.
5. This is a machine .( When the machine is assembled of fixed improperly) Joke statement
6.This is a machine? (When you are not satisfied) Insulting  statement
7.This is a machine. ( when the machine looks clumsy/improper)Complaint statement.
 8. This is a machine! Happy mood

In the same way we can change the other five  types of spoken sentences (Mentioned above) into eight or more moods of utterance.   

End of the Post

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