Saturday, April 6, 2013

Noun Verb Adj -59

      Noun > Verb >Adj-Interchange 

                                 Out of the Books Stuff                                          


Prior Information

Verb (Action or main verb)



 Click grammarmail for explanation of the above Terms.

Changing a Noun to Verb or Verb to Adjective etc. needs a great deal of knowledge about the word order, It's not a difficult job if one has strong interest in words juggling.  Wide reading will give good exposure to this form of art. Please note, when a noun-word is changed to a verb or an adjective the structure of the entire sentence changes. While giving a speech or a talk the art of changing a noun to a verb or an adjective etc., comes in handy and helps the speaker to deliver his/her  talk without a pause. 

Five as Noun >> Verb >> Adjective

Five is a lucky number. (Five = Noun.)
The hand has five fingers. (Five = Adjective)
She wrote five letters. ( Five = adverb)

Little as Noun >> Adverb >> Adjective >> verb

Little drops make big oceans (Little = Noun)
She slipped a little ( Little = Adverb)
Joe has little intelligence ( Little = Adjective)
Don’t belittle the poor (Belittle = Verb)

Bangalore as noun>> Verb>> Adjective (Bangalore is a mega city famous for It outsourcing jobs.)

Bangalore is an Indian city (Bangalore = Noun)

Jim was Bangalored due to recession. (Bangalore = Verb) 
(Jim was laid off and his job was outsourced to Bangalore on cost consideration)
Clara is a Bangalorian (Bangalore = Adjective)

Perform  as a Noun>> Verb 

Chinese Team’s Performance was exemplary in London Olympic. (Perform = Noun)
Indian performed well in the recent cricket match (Perform = Verb)

Outsource Noun >> Verb >> Adverb >> Adjective

Outsourcing hits job opportunities in many developed countries. (Outsource = Noun)

Many  US Jobs  were outsourced  to Asia. (Outsource = Verb)
She supervises outsourcing jobs Section. (Outsource =  adverb)
Out sourcing jobs are not permanent  ones.(Outsource = adjective)

SMS as Noun>> Verb>> Adjective>> Adverb

 SMS is a good form of communication (SMS = Noun)
She SMSed a messaged to her friend ( SMS = Verb)
She is keying a SMS message. ( SMS = Adverb)
John received an SMS message (SMS adjective)

Talk as Noun >> Verb >> Adjective

She Talks of Business always (Talk = Verb)
He gave a talk on Arms Treaty. (Talk = Noun)
He is a talkative person   ( He is interested in talking always.) – (Talk = Adjective)


The Verb has Six forms
The adjective has three forms


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