Saturday, October 1, 2016

Question making 'wh' -7

Sentences that contain questions  are called interrogatives sentences. Broadly speaking there are two main types of questions in English, namely ‘yes/no’ questions and ‘Wh’ questions. ‘Yes/no’ questions are also called Polar questions or Closed questions, because these questions have only two possible answers (‘yes’ or ‘no’). We are discussion ‘yes/no’ type questions  in this post.

Are you an American?  Yes I am. (‘Yes/No’ question
‘Wh’ questions contain ‘wh’ in their question words (What, When,  How etc.). They also called open questions, because they have many answer options.
How old are you?  I am 26 years old. or I am 26. (‘Wh’ question)
We have discussed ‘yes/no’ questions in our previous blog, lets see how ‘wh’ questions are made.
‘wh’ question making Pattern -  with the auxiliary verbs,  am, is, are
FirstHow am I?How are we?
SecondHow are you?How are you?
How Is he?
How Is she?
How Is it?
How are they?
How are they?
How are they?

He' includes all males names  e.g. Robert, Alex, Jim, and common nouns like President , Director, Chairman, Friend, Father, Uncle etc.
'She' includes all female names e.g. Elizabeth, Mary, and common nouns like President,  Director, Chairman, Friend, Mother, aunt etc.
'It' includes all types of nouns and pronouns (Singular form of things, animals etc.), & collective nouns (like team, army, group etc.
'They' includes all types of nouns and pronouns (Plural form of things, people, animals etc.)    

Model Sentences

How am I looking today ?  You are looking smart./smart.
How is  your  family? Fine.
Who are you looking for? I am looking for my friend  Jim.
Where is she now? She is Chicago.
Why is he waiting at the Bus stop? She is waiting for her friend.
When are they starting their new business? Perhaps the next week.
When is the US election? On November 8.
Who are the Presidential candidates in the next month’s US Election? Hillary  Clinton and Donald Trump.
When is the next Train to the capital? Around midnight, tonight.
When  are you leaving for Sydney?  Tomorrow morning , at 7 O’ clock.


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